
How to Create a Fashion Portfolio for Beginners

By Sayeda Saria

Are you trying to establish your identity as a fashion designer? The first thing you will need is a fashion portfolio, which is a cumulative of your works related to fashion designing. Now, creating a book of your design works for the first time might be a taxing task as nobody will give you a certain way to build a portfolio. The reality is that, there is no one way to create your portfolio, as a portfolio is nothing but a reflection of you. So, no two portfolios can ever be the same.

However, a standard portfolio will include some specific elements and we will be talking about those elements which will be enough to guide you in making a portfolio for the very first time.

  1. Portfolio Cover: This is basically the cover or the front page of the finished book. In the cover two things are mandatory; they are, the word “Portfolio”, and your name. Although a portfolio is all about showing your creativity, it is best to leave the cover page simple, and not too messy. The main highlight should be given to the name of the author, which can be best achieved by using minimalistic background. The fonts chosen should be complementing each other and clear.

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2. Resume: A portfolio must contain a resume, so that the reviewer can get an idea about the designer to whom the portfolio belongs to. Unlike a professional resume, various designing element can be used to make the resume. The alignment, different shapes, color choice will also reflect the personality of the designer, along with the listed information in the resume. Moreover, irrespective of the collections designed, this resume will be included in the portfolio. So, time should be taken to create a designer resume.

3. Table of Contents: Here all the following contents will be enlisted. They should be divided into the different projects, and under each project the content of that particular project needs to be enlisted. This table has to be made after finishing of arranging all the projects. If you want to add more to the collection later, just add it to the table of content then.

At this point you have to understand not all projects will end in designing dresses or accessories. In some you might just come up with a color palette or some embroidery patterns. This is why, not all the pages mentioned next will be necessary for every collection, they are standard for presenting a collection of dress or accessories. For smaller projects many of the pages will be skipped.

Table of Contents
  1. Inspiration Board: For every new collection this is the first and mandatory step to begin your work. The inspiration can be anything from tangible matters to intangible feelings. But for creating a collection for the first time it is better to choose some tangible object. Otherwise there is a chance of losing the continuity of work, and the end collection might fail to exhibit any representation of the inspiration. To make an inspiration you can look up pictures on any topic on internet. However, the best way to do it to look for it in real life. Look into nature, visit an art exhibition, or look into books with amazing pictures of animals, flowers, etc. The pro of looking for inspiration in real world rather than internet is having trillions of more possibilities, and a guarantee of the work being unique.

5. Message Board: This is the part of the collection where you get to share your feelings about the collection with the reviewer of the portfolio using words. So, choose your words wisely, and describe why you were inspired by this subject, and also explain how you have incorporated the idea derived from the inspiration in the final collection. But be sure to be precise and avoid being banal.

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Sayeda Saria

An excellent writer who focuses on writing on the fashion trends of recent times. Though her career as a writer started not so long before, she shows a great commitment towards writing.

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