Apparel EngineeringStudy

How to Calculate Fabrics Consumption of a Garment

Calculating fabric consumption is a crucial step in garment manufacturing. Accurately determining the amount of fabric required for each garment is essential to avoid over ordering which can lead to unnecessary waste & costs. On the other hand under ordering can result in delays in production & even loss of revenue. In this blog, we will discuss about the steps involved in calculating fabric consumption in a garment.

Step 1: Identify the pattern

The first step is to identify the pattern of the garment. The pattern is a blueprint of the garment, and it shows the shape, size, and dimensions of each piece of fabric that will be used. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the pattern to accurately calculate fabric consumption.

Step 2: Determine the fabric width

The next step is to determine the width of the fabric that will be used to create the garment. The width of the fabric can vary depending on the type of fabric and the manufacturer. It is essential to consult with the fabric supplier to determine the correct width of the fabric.

Step 3: Calculate the fabric consumption

To calculate the fabric consumption, we need to take the following measurements from the pattern:

  • Length of the garment piece
  • Width of the garment piece
  • Number of garment pieces required for each size

Once we have these measurements, we can calculate the fabric consumption using the following formula:

Fabric Consumption = (Length of the Garment Piece x Width of the Garment Piece x Number of Garment Pieces Required) / Fabric Width

For example, let’s say we are making a shirt, and the pattern requires a piece of fabric that is 2 meters long and 1 meter wide. We need to make 50 shirts, and the fabric we are using has a width of 1.5 meters. Using the formula above, we can calculate the fabric consumption as follows:

Fabric Consumption = (2 x 1 x 50) / 1.5 Fabric Consumption = 66.67 meters

So we need to order 66.67 meters of fabric to make 50 shirts.

Step 4: Add extra fabric

It is important to add extra fabric to the order to account for any mistakes, defects, or shrinkage that may occur during the manufacturing process. The amount of extra fabric required will depend on the type of fabric and the manufacturing process used.

Step 5: Convert to the correct units

It is essential to convert the fabric consumption from meters to the units used by the fabric supplier. This is typically done by dividing the fabric consumption by the length of the fabric roll and then rounding up to the nearest whole number.

In conclusion, calculating fabric consumption is a crucial step in garment manufacturing. By following the steps outlined above, we can ensure that we order the correct amount of fabric, minimize waste and costs, and produce high-quality garments efficiently. It is important to consult with fabric suppliers and manufacturers to determine the correct measurements and quantities required for each garment.


Please click below links to get in details example of garments

Sulov Panday

Merchandiser at Echotex Limited. Former Merchandiser at Iris Fabrics Ltd and Interstoff Apperals Limited. Studied Textile Engineering majoring in Apparel Manufacturing from Shyamoli Textile Engineering College (STEC).
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